Turn waste heat
into revenue for
Cement and Bricks

Few other industries generate as much waste heat as manufacturers of cement and bricks. Energy-intensive firing processes of up to 1200°C remain vital to production.

According to the United Nations, 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050, and bricks and cement will remain integral to this ongoing urbanization. Global cement production will grow 12% to 23% by 2050. Even after the energy transition, this is unlikely to change.

The time is now for brick and cement manufacturers to invest in energy efficiency by converting their waste heat to energy that is affordable and sustainable. Our storage solutions are the missing piece to efficiently utilize waste heat balancing supply and demand and powering nearby steam consumers with clean heat on demand.

ENERGYNESTs waste to energy solutions support brick and cement manufacturing to meet both the demands of society, and those of the planet.

12 %

Global cement production will grow 12% to 23% by 2050.​

Applications recommended for Cement & Bricks industry

All too often in industry valuable high temperature heat from batch processes in furnaces, kilns etc comes in stops and starts. Processes to transform this waste heat into valuable electricity such as Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) rely on constant input, leading to further wastage.

Storing waste heat and truring it to power with our storage system is the missing link towards a better solution, enabling constant electricity production using ORC from waste heat. This innovative approach means reducing plant and electricity costs and increasing independence from the grid.

Application Benefits

  • Save money easily
  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Increase security of supply
  • Limit energy market exposure

All too often in the industry, valuable high temperature heat cannot be re-used within operational processes and needs to be released as waste heat. Just hours later, at the same site or at the neighbour’s factory, a gas boiler is starting to provide steam for other processes (e.g. process heat, steam degassing) – but now it’s too late to repurpose the lost energy. Storing waste heat and using for steam on demand is the missing link towards a better solution, making steam available on-demand dramatically reducing plant fuel and operating costs.

Application Benefits

  • Save money easily
  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Increase security of supply
  • Limit energy market exposure

Industrial processes are usually not designed for volatility. In order to attain stability, heating of endothermal- or cooling of exothermal processes  must continue round the clock – adding major cost and resource burdens to power plants. But all too often batch processes or interruptions lead to imbalances between supply and demand requiring back-up boilers to start or steam to be dumped. Our steam to steam storage syste, fills exactly this gap by storing, time-shifting and balancing high- or medium pressure steam to make it available on demand: achieving true balance needed for greener industrial processes.

Application Benefits

  • Decarbonize heating immediately
  • Save money easily
  • Optimize automation
  • Increase security of supply

We are always excited to create, design and engineer new solutions completely out of the box together with our customers to meet their requirements. As long as there is heat, steam or electricity without its place, we will store it until needed for 24/7 green energy supply. Get in touch with us to design your custom thermal storage solution for your individual production needs.

Application Benefits

  • Save money easily
  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Increase security of supply
  • Limit energy market exposure
You want to know more?

    Are you interested in ENERGYNEST, or have any questions regarding your green energy or our applications?


    Don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

    +47 9820 8384


    Steam grid balancing in chemical plant unlocks new energy flexibility

    Together with the world-leading fertilizer company YARA International, we have integrated a 4 MWh ThermalBattery directly connected to the steam grid at their production facility in Norway.



    All our customer solutions are based on our patented ThermalBatteryTM technology. This enables high-performance thermal concrete storage at scale, using innovative embedded heat exchangers.

    Dynamic delivery

    Together with our strong network of partners we deliver our solutions as turn-key systems, as build-own-operate, or simply adjust the ThermalBatteryTM as hardware ‒ entirely according to your needs.