The production unit of Avery Dennison in Belgium is shifting their heat production from natural gas (NG) to Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST), which, together with solar thermal developer bv Azteq, will create the largest CST platform in Europe. The CST plant will supply thermal energy to the steam generator supplying steam to the adhesive production plant. Excess thermal energy will be stored in our ThermalBatteryTM and dispatched on demand and at night, helping to further reduce emissions and enabling the plant to meet their reduction target of 70% as part of the company’s 2030 sustainability targets, plus meet net zero emissions by 2050.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 859232.
The sun has incredible power. Especially south of the 45th latitude, Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) power using parabolic through-systems will be among the cheapest technologies to produce carbon-free industrial process heat.
But without storage, customers are left with a cold dark night ahead. Turning solar thermal to steam is the technology of choice to best utilize CST assets, recycling excess energy for steam production – enabling true decarbonization.
Application Benefits
Decarbonize heating immediately
Save money easily
Reduce maintenance effort
Limit energy market exposure
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ENI: Balancing CST production helps Eni’s oil refinery go all night
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