The first steam-based Thermal Battery breaks commercial ground!

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Together with our project partners Yara Porsgrunn and AC Boilers S.p.A (formerly Ansaldo Caldaie), the TB will be constructed and incorporated into Yara International’s process plant at Herøya Industripark AS – Norway’s largest industrial complex. Yara is a global chemical industry player and a leading manufacturer of fertilizers. The TB will be charged directly with surplus steam and will discharge steam on demand to feed various processes within the plant. After successful demonstration, the technology could be rolled-out to other process plants within Yara.

One of the key benefits of our steam-based Thermal Battery system is the ability to balance fluctuations in industrial steam grids; combined with increased flexibility for industrial clients to utilize excess or surplus steam, and to displace fossil fuels with renewable energy. Hence, we provide a high-impact and cost effective solution to increase energy efficiency and cut emissions within some of the largest, most energy intensive industries.

This will enable the hard-to-abate industrial sectors to substantially decarbonize their manufacturing activities, but equally other key sectors such as food and beverages and textiles.

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"Die Industrie muss der Treiber von Klimaschutz sein – Wärmespeicher sind ein zentraler Baustein, um Industrieunternehmen auch bei der Wärmewende zu Klimavorreitern zu machen und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern."

Tamsin is an experienced Executive from the energy and industrial sector and brings a track record of building high performing businesses and leading incredible teams.

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